Wally Moueli Adamous | Gabon

Wally Moueli Adamou has long worked in the fashion and cosmetics industry.  In 2021, she began to invest in her LGBTQI+ community.  Wally currently works for three non-governmental organizations protecting the rights of LGBTQI+ people.  She is in charge of social reintegration for sexual minorities at the NGO Gabon Santé Plus.  She is also the Gabonese representative in the independent network of trans people in Central Africa, Réseau Indépendant des Trans* d'Afrique Centrale, and is the coordinator of the first trans people's NGO in Gabon, Wally lè Dia.  Wally is passionate about all human rights and health issues, which is why she chose the Leadership in Civic Engagement stream.  Like many trans people in Gabon, Wally was unable to attend university, but she gains experience every day in the field, and has a long-term plan to train as a psychologist, in order to guide people who are misunderstood and rejected by society.